Treatment of Mokdong sinusitis, Chinese Medicine Clinic Finds the Cause of Headache

It’s essential to remove inflammationdefinition of empyemadefinition of empyemaSinusitis was a disease that caused inflammation of the inner wall of the sinus cavity and caused symptoms such as headache, stuffy nose, and runny nose. The sinus cavity is an empty space around the nose, and the liquid accumulated here caused inflammation. It worked mainly due to infection and allergic reactions, and symptoms sometimes worsened due to various factors. In particular, air pollution, temperature changes, and humidity deepened the symptoms. Sinusitis was a common disease not only in adults but also in children. main cause of empyemaThere were various causes of empyema. The most common cause was the cold virus. The cold spread to the sinuses and caused inflammation. An allergic reaction was one of the main causes. Various allergy-causing substances such as pollen, dust and pet hair caused sinusitis. In addition, sinus structural problems, such as bent nasal septum or narrowed sinuses, also caused empyema. symptoms and effects of empyemaThe empyema was accompanied by various symptoms. In the early days, my nose was clogged and I started to have a runny nose with a lot of water. Over time, symptoms such as headaches, facial tenderness, and fatigue sometimes occurred. In chronic cases, the symptoms tended to get worse when I woke up in the morning. In addition, chronic sinusitis reduced concentration, reduced sleep quality, and required treatment for sinus sinusitis for a long time. various types of empyemaThe sinusitis was divided into several types depending on the location of the sinuses. Frontal sinusitis caused severe headaches when the sinuses in the forehead area were inflamed. The maxillary sinusitis affected the area around the cheek and upper teeth. In this case, symptoms similar to toothache occurred.The contact frostbite affected around the eyes and the laryngeal frostbite affected the back of the head. Symptoms vary depending on each type, and the treatment method for sinusitis in Mokdong could also change. difference between empyema and coldAlthough empyema and cold are often confused, there was a difference between the two diseases. Colds mainly caused inflammation in the mucous membrane of the nose, causing symptoms such as nasal congestion, runny nose, and sore throat. On the other hand, empyema was characterized by inflammation in the sinuses connected to the nose. Colds were mainly caused by virus infection, but sinusitis was caused by various factors such as allergies and structural problems in addition to colds. approach with herbal remediesChinese medicine focused on improving the body’s self-cleaning ability when dealing with empyema. Chinese medicine strengthened the immune system and helped reduce inflammation. Acupuncture and moxibustion for treating sinusitis were used to promote blood circulation and relieve pain in inflammatory areas. Medicinal needle therapy helped maintain long-term health by adding drugs to needles. importance of empyema managementTreatment of Mokdong sinusitis played an important role in preventing recurrence and relieving symptoms. Water intake was essential for maintaining the health of the sinuses. It was also important to control humidity in the air and keep the air clean with regular ventilation. Using an air purifier to reduce allergy-causing substances was also helpful. A balanced diet strengthened the immune system and supported the body’s natural defense mechanism.Treatment of Mokdong sinusitis played an important role in preventing recurrence and relieving symptoms. Water intake was essential for maintaining the health of the sinuses. It was also important to control humidity in the air and keep the air clean with regular ventilation. Using an air purifier to reduce allergy-causing substances was also helpful. A balanced diet strengthened the immune system and supported the body’s natural defense mechanism.Previous image Next imagePrevious image Next imageHere’s the previous image. Here’s the next oneHere’s the previous image. Here’s the next oneHere’s the previous image. Here’s the next one

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